Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ides of March

To think that I have not written in this blog since November is just appalling! But here I am in mid-March, finally making my first post of the New Year!

Much has happened in the garden since then, including projects big and small. In no particular order; we are starting seeds in sunny windows; brassicas, peppers and tomatoes, smothering grass with landscaping fabric, building a new chicken coop and preparing the house for some major updates including insulation and a new heating system!

Now is the time of year when the rain seems perpetual and the yard is a muddy mess. No matter how barren the yard seems now, I sometimes need to remind myself that in a matter of months everything will change once again!

Herb Garden, July 2010


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Hang in there, pretty soon you'll be out in your gardens, and taking care of projects inside and out.

Have a wonderful Spring ~ FlowerLady

Marcy said...

Just ran across your profile and the words Tasha Tudor popped out! I have a copy of "The Private World of Tasha Tudor". I enjoyed learning about her and loved her "sparrow post" letters. Your gardens look amazing!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Yes I'm having trouble with the weather too. I know sunshine is coming but, hurry up already. I look forward to seeing your projects as you post them.

Mikhail said...

My daffodils are reminding me of what is to come. I so adore them - that bright yellow becon that keeps me going and reminding me my yard will no longer be a mud pit soon!

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